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Tugging On Superman's Cape
An Interview With Brad Fraser
by Michael D. Klemm
Reprinted from Outcome, April, 2004

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Для журнала GLT - Issue 809 June 26, 2003

‘QAF’s’ Michael talks about celebrity and kissing men as a straight actor
Published Thursday, 26-Jun-2003

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Заинтересовал абзац:
«GLT: There are three gay actors on the series.
HS: Bobby Gant and Peter [Paige] and Randy [Harrison]. There are a couple of others that may or may not be. We make it a point not to comment on anybody who isn’t out or open.»
О ком это он, интересно? :wow2:

@темы: Хэл Спаркс, Интервью

Спасибо Tokio Hotel Ukraine ‏@tokiohotelua
Источник HQ

@темы: Tokio Hotel

Michael Lewis MacLennan Канадский драматург, был исполнительным продюсером и сценаристом шоу со 2 по 5 сезон.

Его интервью журналу GayCalgary® Magazine, March 2009, page 38

Looking back at Queer as Folk
Producer & Writer Reflects on Influential Gay Show

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@темы: Интересная информация, QAF, Интервью

Это интервью уже было, но давно. Так оно и осталось непереведенным.
Хорошее, интересное ивью, прочитав его можно понять характер Хэла, его отношение к жизни и Квирам.
Слышала в последнее время несколько высказываний о, якобы, гомофобии Хэла, поэтому запощу ивью, если кому интересно, почитайте.
Actor, comedian and musician talks with O&AN about life after ‘Queer as Folk,' also to appear on June episode of O&A Today
June 1, 2007
Jarvis Handy

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@темы: Хэл Спаркс, Интервью

По-моему не было у нас.

Queer's Queers
by Meg Allen
365Gay.com TV

The Toronto produced, North American version of Queer As Folk is as gritty as its British big brother. Russell T Davies who produced the original Queer As Folk for Britain's Channel 4 is a consultant for Temple Street Productions the Toronto company which is making the North American version. Davies says, "about the only thing we dropped were the accents."

The executive producers are the gay coupled team Daniel Lipman and Ron Cowan the team which also produced the award winning An Early Frost.

Like the original, it takes place in a working class city rather than Chelsey, the Castro, or Church-Wellsley focusing on the relationships, careers, loves and ambitions of the characters. Their neighbourhood is Liberty Avenue, a gay strip with a couple of bars, a disco, a few shops and a diner. Many of the scenes were shot outdoors on Church Street, or indoors at Fly and The Guvernment.

There's nudity, lots of it, and the actors were required to list what they would (and more importantly what they wouldn't do) in front of the camera.

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@темы: Интересная информация, QAF


Я никогда не видела этого интервью.
Может быть оно известно и есть перевод?
Подскажите, кто знает, пожалуйста.
Наверное, самое интересное ивью Питера.

Paige in Focus: Backstage with Queer As Folk's Peter Paige
by David R. Guarino

Peter Paige with Frank De Caro.

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@темы: Питер Пейдж, Интервью


Секс скандал:
Режиссера фильма "X-Men" Брайана Сингера обвиняют в сексуальных домогательствах к молодым геям, которые приезжают в Голливуд за славой и успехом.
Как это связано с Квирами?
В статье утверждается, что вся сцена в бассейне (501 эпизод) снята на основании gay-sex pool parties, которые организовывал Брайан Сингер.
“An entire episode, number 501, about gay-sex pool parties, was based on Bryan. He was that notorious,” a source close to the production tells Confidenti@l. “It’s about him picking up young boys and promising them fame in L.A.”

В статье приводятся интервью молодых актеров, которые обвиняют режиссера в сексуальных домогательствах.

'X-Men' director Bryan Singer's sex-driven parties drew a raunchy crowd, say insiders
Partygoers recall wild nights at Hollywood heavyweight's L.A. bashes as new allegations surface
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

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@темы: Интересная информация, QAF


Последний Танцевальный гей-клуб в гей деревне Торонто и дискотека, на которой снимали "Вавилон" на Showtime в Queer As Folk, закрывается 30 июня после World Pride celebration.
Клуб «Fly» на Gloucester Street просуществовал 15 лет.

Toronto Club that Played Queer as Folk's Babylon Is Closing


The last gay club in the village shuts down after World Pride.
The last gay dance club in Toronto’s gay village, and the disco that portrayed "Babylon” on Showtime’s Queer as Folk, is closing in June after the World Pride celebration.

Fly has operated on Gloucester Street for 15 years, but is being eyed by developers as the site of a future high-rise. While construction on the condo tower is not imminent, the building’s owner only offered to renew Fly’s lease on a yearly basis; owner Keir McRae said that wasn’t realistic. Hopes for another promoter to take over the club have not panned out.

Fly’s adjacent restaurant and bar, Fire on the East Side, has already shuttered. When Fly closes on June 30 following the global World Pride party, it will be the last large dance club in Toronto’s gayborhood. The city passed a law a decade ago that limits most dance clubs to a small district outside the gay village.

“The city’s not doing a whole lot to protect gay businesses — sometimes actively discouraging them, especially dance clubs,” MacRae told Xtra! “Dance clubs have always been a significant part of gay culture, and the city is not allowing gay dance clubs in the Village.”

Fly, along with a now-defunct club called Five, portrayed the Pittsburgh super-club "Babylon" on the Showtime gay soap Queer as Folk.

Is assimilation behind the closure of big-city gay clubs or is it something else, e.g., greedy developers? gentrification?

@темы: Интересная информация, QAF

Скотт постит видео из фильма со своим участием:

For TBT the 1st in a series of goofy spots for Budget Rent-a-Car I did back in 1999.

@темы: Скотт Лоуэлл

@темы: Хэл Спаркс


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@темы: EBAY, QAF

@темы: QAF, Atomic

В понедельник в 22.30 по мск времени будет объявлен первый гость кона 2015)

@темы: QAF, Queens of the Road Con-2 2015