sexy_pumpkin живет в Австралии. В январе 2007 года она с мамой полетела в НЙ, чтобы увидеть Гейла в спектакле "внезапно прошлым летом".
У нее были билеты на 5! шоу)
Я так поняла, что дама видела только Гейла. Она написала очень милый отчет. По-моему, у нас его не было) я, во всяком случае, не видела)
О спектакле она практически не пишет ничего, только впечатления о Гейле.
читать дальшеНа тот момент Джеки было 43 года и 5 детей)))
28 Январь 2007 @ 10:12
Tales from New York
Finally I'm posting about my trip to NY, had an amazing time, I loved NY what a fantastic city & of course seeing Gale in SLS was all I hoped it would be & more, what a wonderful person he is, very kind to us all.
Arrived on the 3rd Jan, went shopping of course, loved Bloomingdales & VS, did'nt know where to start first. On the Friday went to lunch at Joe Allen's which was organised by the lovely shadownycwhere I got to meet many lovely ladies from the LJ, I found it amazing that we had come from all around the world to meet for lunch LOL, I'll never forget it. Then that night my Mum & I went to the play, we had front row seats & Gale was literally 4 feet in front of me. He looked so beautiful up on that stage, I never took my eyes off him, I always thought he looked amazing in QaF, but in RL he's breathtaking, I can't explain it. After the show, which I LOVED by the way, we waited outside for Gale to come & sign our playbills & he didn't disappoint us. He looked so cute in his cap & old jeans & he looked right at me when he signed my name, to say I was speechless was an understatement LOL. Then we went out with some other LJ'ers & had a wonderful evening, meeting them was a highlight of my trip.
Then the next night we went back to see the play again, 5th row this time, Gale looked as beautiful as ever, I really enjoyed the performance. Again lined up for an autograph, not for me but for others from Australia that could'nt make NY, & this time when he saw he remembered me from the night before, "Hello " he said "Again" he was so cute, & gave me the most wonderful smile. I also told him I loved the play, he thanked me & then continued signing for all the others.
We all went again the next day, to the 2.00pm Sunday matinee as it was hansardgalbirthday, enjoyed the show, but didn't approach him this time, didn't want him to think I was stalking him LOL, but hansardgaldid & he signed "Happy Birthday" on her playbill for her, what a great B'Day she had. Then we all went to Toxic to celebrate her Bday, we had the best day EVER all of us together, I'll never forget that day & the friendships I made, brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it. Finally I left 46th street for a few days LOL, & went sight-seeing & more shopping of course, went out with the girls for dinner & discovered how much I loved NY.
Went back to see the play again on the Wed night, Gale was terrific that night, & when I saw him afterwards he could'nt believe I was still there. "Are you making up all these names, just for me to sign" he joked to me, I said no, these are all for the girls back in Australia. "God " he said "I hope I was worth the trip", we told him yes he was, he signed about 4 playbills us that night.
Then on our last night Fri 12th we went for last time, the 4 of us together, we had great seats again, it was a lovely way to farewell NY. This time I just said goodbye to him, he said "I thought you had gone home" LOL, gave him a pen to keep, asked him if he could possibly do the NEXT play closer to Sydney, which he replied " I'd love that, you set it up & I'll be there", he wished us a safe flight home & to take care. When I thanked him for being so kind & for signing all those playbills, he gave me the most lovely smile & said "You're very welcome", then as always he just walked off down 46th street to God knows where, & we all left the theatre for the last time, with huge smiles on our faces.
He looked nothing like BK, or GK, or Dr Sugar, just Gale, & I'm so glad I got to meet him, what a trip it was. Flew back to Sydney the next day, back to RL LOL, I'll never foget NY, meeting Gale of course, but the friendships I made will forever be in my heart, you all know how special you are to me, & I thank my lucky stars we all met up in NYC, what a blast!!!!!! Love to you,,,Jackie
Есть фото Джеки с Гейлом, но с другого спектакля, с Орфея 2010 год
А вот ее отчет с "Орфея" От 2 февраля 2010 года. В отчете есть фотографии.
OK!! So Sit Down & Grab a Cuppa,,this could take Awhile
LA Update
Hi Everyone,,I hope you'll all enjoy this, I've tried very hard to remember it all, I hope I don't bore you all to death *smiles*
20th Jan 2010 9.05 pm
So after flying for 14 hours I arrived in LA, the same day only 5 hours earlier, how weird is that! Anyway I met my dear friend brianswalk at LAX & it was freezing & pouring with rain. We caught a Shuttle Van service to the hotel & by then everyone else had arrived. It was so lovely seeing all my friends again, I can't believe it happened again so quickly after NYC in July.
So we all ventured out to the supermarket stocked up on Pepsi & Coke & lots of chips & nibblies & of course I had to buy my scotch
We went to Denny's for a late meal, still raining but the food was ok, we were just all so tired.
21st Jan 2010
So after breakfast Lisa & I ventured out to Saks Fith Ave as I had to buy my perfume there. OMG we were soaked & it was so cold to me. Then we caught a cab back & went to Walgrens a chemist chain in the US & I bought lots of make up, as it's so cheap there. The day flew by & the next minute we were all getting ready for the play. We were all so excited, arrived around 6.15pm, & parked right out side the theatre, yes it was still raining, it even thunderstormed
we all said a "Gale Force" was on its way,,boy were we right!!
I sat in the front row & OMFG my TV at home isn't even as close as Gale was to us that night, if my heart beat any louder the whole freakin theatre would of heard it. The play started right on 8.00pm & for 3 hours I never watched another soul on that stage & if you'd paid me a million dollars I couldn't of told you what the play was about
Gale looked so beautiful on that stage, never since QaF or possibly Vanished had he looked so good, well to me anyway.
I'm not going to spoil it for the others, but I can tell you this. Never have I seen Gale look so relaxed, so ready to play the role of Val Xavier & if you think his facial expressions on TV are amazing, his face that night revealed so many emotions you just couldn't take your eyes off of him. He was finally cast in the perfect role for him & the directing of the play was 1st class, so as you can imagine so was Gale. Just a few of my fav scenes, those who have seen it will know what I mean
The bird with no feet, Val singing with the spotlight shining down on him, OMFG I nearly swooned, Jesus I'm crying remembering it all. Where he sat on the stairs in his wifebeater & told Lady Torrance all about his childhood & for a laugh where he lit the cigarette & threw the match & she made him pick it up, you just had to be there, he was wearing a dark blue jacket, shirt & tie, OMG it's like BK showed up lol. But my fav part where Gale was just mesmerizing were in the final scene's of the play, where he wanted to leave & she wanted him to wear his "white jacket". He looked like a scared little boy, who was so afraid, so unsure, so in love. Gone was the man in the snakeskin jacket who was so cocky & so provocative & I just wanted to cry & hold him all at the same time.
I never actually cried until I saw the play for the 3rd time, I guess it all finally caught up with me.
Anyway so we all waited for Gale & he was so very kind & so very patient with us all, & yes he remembered me after a little prompting, it was very dark inside the theatre, when I mentioned SLS 3 yrs ago, recognition dawned on his beautiful face
His skin is like a 30 yr old, & his eyes are green not brown & he has the longest fingers & I forgot to mention really "beautiful hands" winks to Amy
& when you talk to him he really pays attention.
We also spoke to the cast & told them how much we enjoyed the play & they were truly amazed at all of us
How Gale has this huge fan following & that they had never watched him in QaF, he'd never mentioned it. Thats why I love him, he's so private & so confident in himself, I don't know what happened to "Our Gale" lol in the last year, but it's all for the better. He actually looks happy & I think thats the answer. He survived the accident last year & maybe he thought to himself "Fuck I'm a lucky bastard, I'll start appreciating things a bit more".
That night we all went to bed at 4.00am,,it was mad & funny & silly all at the same time. I'd done it!! I'd flown from Syd to LA & it was worth every fucking cent
Next morning we all went to Target, we tried Rodeo Drive but nothing caught my fancy
I brought the blue scarf (the one Im wearing in the pic with Gale)& the other ladies got one to. It was soooooooo cold you see inside the theatre,,we needed extra warmth. We also bought the biggest "hoagies" from "Jersey Mike's Subs" I ate one quarter of it. Off again to the theatre & the front row
again the play was wonderful, but in my opinion not as good as the Thurday night. It was wonderful to see celeste3028 there as well, I'll never forget the look on her face when Gale walked onto that stage, I looked back to see & I couldn't help but smile.
Again we all got lucky, lots of pics & autographs, he seemed a bit tired & once again we chatted with the cast, it was like we were all this big happy family. As Gale was leaving, Celine asked for a pic & of course he said yes & for some reason I'll never know I asked for another shot with him. I told him that in the other pic I had, he looked way to tall standing next to me. So as he squatted down, so did I
& Lisa told me that Gale was nearly on his knees standing next to me. He really gave me a tight hug, & put his head close to mine,,like OMFG I don't know how I managed to smile. I'll be forever grateful to Celiene, I wanted my one pic taken with Gale & I got it,,thanks sweetie *mwah*
Then he left & as Hela & I were waiting out side, he came back & said something like "far out or fuck, you'd think I'd know where I parked my car lol". He was so cute & then we saw him running across the road, I think they were meeting for drinks.
The next morning the sunshine was out. So off we went to the Farmers Market & The Grove. By this time I was experiencing major shopping withdrawl so to arrive there & find a Coach shop was quite thrilling
Hela told me not to go in there & I should of listened to her,,but I love the pink bag that I bought, it will always remind me of that day & of LA & of Gale of course.
We had lunch at Whole Foods, then back to the hotel to get ready for the play. It was a packed house & this time I sat in the 2nd row with Frannie & Lisa. I have no idea what they all took that night, but OMG the theatre was a buzz & everyone of them, especially Gale & Lady Torrence just nailed every scene, it was quite emotional & as I said before I actually cried, plus it was the last night of the play for everyone except Lisa, Judy & I.
Lots of fan girls there that night & so was Stephen Kijak, who remembered me from Sydney
& Scotty & Michelle Clunie. You should of seen the hug that Gale gave them both, especially Scott, it was lovely to see. It was a bit chaotic inside with Gale, so I took a walk outside & ended up chatting with Scott & Michelle for about 15 mins. I won't tell you it all, but they are very close friends with Gale & are very proud of him. They were amazed I'd flown from Syd to see him & they were also amazed that we had a picnic in Central Park for QaF & didn't invite them
NO seriously they would of come, they are in awe of the fans & the QaF fandom, still 10 yrs strong. I told them "you guys have NOOOOOOO freaking idea what your TV show caused, that because of them we all have friends all over the world & we all share a common love & interest".
I told them I was meant to watch QaF, that I have a gay son of my own (they were floored I had 5 kids lol) & that since QaF came off the air, I haven't watched one crappy epi of TV. Except for DH as Gale was in it they both laughed with me. Even for Gale I told them watching it gave me hives, they knew what I meant. Btw Michelle loved my pink bag, I forgot to tell you that Lisa. So guys if we ever have another picnic in NYC, Scott told me to email him, or tell him or Michelle as their both on "Twitter".
The next morning all the girls left on their journeys home & Lisa & I went to the 2.00pm matinee. We sat next door in the sports bar the football was on of course & we both had drinks & something to eat. Then I looked up & said to Lisa "omg theres Gale" like we see him walking down the street every day
& boy did he look HOT!!! Dark sunglassea, no hat, slim jeans & a light jacket & carrying his guitar case. He looked like a rock star, I said to Lisa afterwards "I should of popped outside for a quick smoke, he would of walked right into us" lol
So we watched the play together hand in hand, dead center 2nd row back & it was the best seat I'd had. I watched him & only him for most of the play, it was my last day to see him & I remember all the little changes they'd made & I thought I was going to burst out crying for 3 hours
Then we said good bye to all the cast & crew, honestly they knew us all lol. Denise & Francesca & Claudia were just so lovely & so supportive of Gale & all his fans, they knew we'd made such an effort & had seen the play many times, even Ginger the producer knew who we all were.
Then Gale came out, no pictures that day, he asked us politely & of course we respected his wishes. But he signed the last of my auto-graphs & thanked us all for coming & asked me "this is it, your off home now" & I said yes back to Sydney & he wished us all a safe flight home.
Then as he was leaving I went up to him & gave him a bottle of red wine & a card that I'd bought for him in Sydney & he was so gracious & so thankful, God his Mama taught him well lol, & I just thanked him for the best time ever & wished him every happiness & I told him that you couldn't buy that wine in LA. He peeped into the bag & said "that looks like a very nice bottle, thanks so much". Then he kinda squeezed my forearm & we left & stood outside waiting for a cab.
As Gale left once again he said good bye & I told him "Hey Gale don't drink it all at once" & he turned around & with the cutest little grin, & scrunched up nose & eyebrow thingy he does & he said "Huh OK" like what ya say. Then I asked him "do you actually drink red wine?" & he smiled & said "yep thanks".
Then off he went up the road, & Lisa took a last pic & if you look closely in his left hand he's holding a card & a red bag, that was my bottle of wine
btw its not the women holding the big red bag,,its Gale as far away as possible,,can you see it? If I ever see Gale again, I'm going to ask him if he enjoyed the wine & if he drank it all by himself
Then Lisa & I went back to the hotel, got changed & to cheer ourselves up went out to the most delicious Italian Rest called Roma. We had the works, soup, salad, pasta & dessert, as I said we needed cheering up.
The next morning was kinda sad, we didn't cry, but as the Shuttle bus left I did have a tear in my eye! I had 12 hours to wait for my flight, so don't faint guys but I caught a bus right down to the ocean & sat there for about an hour just reliving it all, it was quite surreal. Plus in Sydney it was Australia Day & as many of you may know, thats the anniversay of my fathers death. So I was feeling quite sad & sorry for myself, so I got up & went shopping & had a nice meal & killed 8 hours, until I headed off to the airport to fly home.
I did cry as the plane took off, but they were mainly happy tears. I'd achieved what I so wanted to do & I had to stop from pinching myself. I'm just very lucky to have had the opportunity & I can't wait to start selling more jewellery as believe me guys I finally believe that our gorgeous Gale has found his "niche'" in life & if he's going to be doing plays now, I'd better start saving again.
I mean don't get me wrong talking to Gale & having a pic taken with him was amazing, but it was the PLAY that I loved the most, to watch him working again & being so fucking good at it
I was really proud of him.
And on a last note, as I landed in Sydney turned on my cell phone, I was still on the plane at 6.30am Sydney time, my cell rang. I asked the steward if I could answer it & he said yes thats OK. So who do you think it was? no it wasn't Gale lol, it was my kids. Their 1st day back to school & no one could find a freakin thing *smiles*
I had to laugh, I was back & life goes on, but I still have my memories, Gale on that stage will never leave me, I just close my eyes & it all comes back to me,,what a lucky bitch I am.
Later guys can you believe I'm crying again,,I'm sooooooo pathetic as BK would say, & just for the record "Brian Kinney has definitely left the building" I can't wait to see who he'll become next,,love ya Jackie.xx
sexy_pumpkin живет в Австралии. В январе 2007 года она с мамой полетела в НЙ, чтобы увидеть Гейла в спектакле "внезапно прошлым летом".
У нее были билеты на 5! шоу)
Я так поняла, что дама видела только Гейла. Она написала очень милый отчет. По-моему, у нас его не было) я, во всяком случае, не видела)
О спектакле она практически не пишет ничего, только впечатления о Гейле.
читать дальшеНа тот момент Джеки было 43 года и 5 детей)))
28 Январь 2007 @ 10:12
Tales from New York
Finally I'm posting about my trip to NY, had an amazing time, I loved NY what a fantastic city & of course seeing Gale in SLS was all I hoped it would be & more, what a wonderful person he is, very kind to us all.
Arrived on the 3rd Jan, went shopping of course, loved Bloomingdales & VS, did'nt know where to start first. On the Friday went to lunch at Joe Allen's which was organised by the lovely shadownycwhere I got to meet many lovely ladies from the LJ, I found it amazing that we had come from all around the world to meet for lunch LOL, I'll never forget it. Then that night my Mum & I went to the play, we had front row seats & Gale was literally 4 feet in front of me. He looked so beautiful up on that stage, I never took my eyes off him, I always thought he looked amazing in QaF, but in RL he's breathtaking, I can't explain it. After the show, which I LOVED by the way, we waited outside for Gale to come & sign our playbills & he didn't disappoint us. He looked so cute in his cap & old jeans & he looked right at me when he signed my name, to say I was speechless was an understatement LOL. Then we went out with some other LJ'ers & had a wonderful evening, meeting them was a highlight of my trip.
Then the next night we went back to see the play again, 5th row this time, Gale looked as beautiful as ever, I really enjoyed the performance. Again lined up for an autograph, not for me but for others from Australia that could'nt make NY, & this time when he saw he remembered me from the night before, "Hello " he said "Again" he was so cute, & gave me the most wonderful smile. I also told him I loved the play, he thanked me & then continued signing for all the others.
We all went again the next day, to the 2.00pm Sunday matinee as it was hansardgalbirthday, enjoyed the show, but didn't approach him this time, didn't want him to think I was stalking him LOL, but hansardgaldid & he signed "Happy Birthday" on her playbill for her, what a great B'Day she had. Then we all went to Toxic to celebrate her Bday, we had the best day EVER all of us together, I'll never forget that day & the friendships I made, brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it. Finally I left 46th street for a few days LOL, & went sight-seeing & more shopping of course, went out with the girls for dinner & discovered how much I loved NY.
Went back to see the play again on the Wed night, Gale was terrific that night, & when I saw him afterwards he could'nt believe I was still there. "Are you making up all these names, just for me to sign" he joked to me, I said no, these are all for the girls back in Australia. "God " he said "I hope I was worth the trip", we told him yes he was, he signed about 4 playbills us that night.
Then on our last night Fri 12th we went for last time, the 4 of us together, we had great seats again, it was a lovely way to farewell NY. This time I just said goodbye to him, he said "I thought you had gone home" LOL, gave him a pen to keep, asked him if he could possibly do the NEXT play closer to Sydney, which he replied " I'd love that, you set it up & I'll be there", he wished us a safe flight home & to take care. When I thanked him for being so kind & for signing all those playbills, he gave me the most lovely smile & said "You're very welcome", then as always he just walked off down 46th street to God knows where, & we all left the theatre for the last time, with huge smiles on our faces.
He looked nothing like BK, or GK, or Dr Sugar, just Gale, & I'm so glad I got to meet him, what a trip it was. Flew back to Sydney the next day, back to RL LOL, I'll never foget NY, meeting Gale of course, but the friendships I made will forever be in my heart, you all know how special you are to me, & I thank my lucky stars we all met up in NYC, what a blast!!!!!! Love to you,,,Jackie
Есть фото Джеки с Гейлом, но с другого спектакля, с Орфея 2010 год
А вот ее отчет с "Орфея" От 2 февраля 2010 года. В отчете есть фотографии.
02 Февраль 2010 @ 12:06OK!! So Sit Down & Grab a Cuppa,,this could take Awhile

Hi Everyone,,I hope you'll all enjoy this, I've tried very hard to remember it all, I hope I don't bore you all to death *smiles*
20th Jan 2010 9.05 pm
So after flying for 14 hours I arrived in LA, the same day only 5 hours earlier, how weird is that! Anyway I met my dear friend brianswalk at LAX & it was freezing & pouring with rain. We caught a Shuttle Van service to the hotel & by then everyone else had arrived. It was so lovely seeing all my friends again, I can't believe it happened again so quickly after NYC in July.
So we all ventured out to the supermarket stocked up on Pepsi & Coke & lots of chips & nibblies & of course I had to buy my scotch

21st Jan 2010
So after breakfast Lisa & I ventured out to Saks Fith Ave as I had to buy my perfume there. OMG we were soaked & it was so cold to me. Then we caught a cab back & went to Walgrens a chemist chain in the US & I bought lots of make up, as it's so cheap there. The day flew by & the next minute we were all getting ready for the play. We were all so excited, arrived around 6.15pm, & parked right out side the theatre, yes it was still raining, it even thunderstormed

I sat in the front row & OMFG my TV at home isn't even as close as Gale was to us that night, if my heart beat any louder the whole freakin theatre would of heard it. The play started right on 8.00pm & for 3 hours I never watched another soul on that stage & if you'd paid me a million dollars I couldn't of told you what the play was about

I'm not going to spoil it for the others, but I can tell you this. Never have I seen Gale look so relaxed, so ready to play the role of Val Xavier & if you think his facial expressions on TV are amazing, his face that night revealed so many emotions you just couldn't take your eyes off of him. He was finally cast in the perfect role for him & the directing of the play was 1st class, so as you can imagine so was Gale. Just a few of my fav scenes, those who have seen it will know what I mean

I never actually cried until I saw the play for the 3rd time, I guess it all finally caught up with me.
Anyway so we all waited for Gale & he was so very kind & so very patient with us all, & yes he remembered me after a little prompting, it was very dark inside the theatre, when I mentioned SLS 3 yrs ago, recognition dawned on his beautiful face

We also spoke to the cast & told them how much we enjoyed the play & they were truly amazed at all of us

That night we all went to bed at 4.00am,,it was mad & funny & silly all at the same time. I'd done it!! I'd flown from Syd to LA & it was worth every fucking cent

Next morning we all went to Target, we tried Rodeo Drive but nothing caught my fancy

Again we all got lucky, lots of pics & autographs, he seemed a bit tired & once again we chatted with the cast, it was like we were all this big happy family. As Gale was leaving, Celine asked for a pic & of course he said yes & for some reason I'll never know I asked for another shot with him. I told him that in the other pic I had, he looked way to tall standing next to me. So as he squatted down, so did I

Then he left & as Hela & I were waiting out side, he came back & said something like "far out or fuck, you'd think I'd know where I parked my car lol". He was so cute & then we saw him running across the road, I think they were meeting for drinks.
The next morning the sunshine was out. So off we went to the Farmers Market & The Grove. By this time I was experiencing major shopping withdrawl so to arrive there & find a Coach shop was quite thrilling

We had lunch at Whole Foods, then back to the hotel to get ready for the play. It was a packed house & this time I sat in the 2nd row with Frannie & Lisa. I have no idea what they all took that night, but OMG the theatre was a buzz & everyone of them, especially Gale & Lady Torrence just nailed every scene, it was quite emotional & as I said before I actually cried, plus it was the last night of the play for everyone except Lisa, Judy & I.
Lots of fan girls there that night & so was Stephen Kijak, who remembered me from Sydney

I told them I was meant to watch QaF, that I have a gay son of my own (they were floored I had 5 kids lol) & that since QaF came off the air, I haven't watched one crappy epi of TV. Except for DH as Gale was in it they both laughed with me. Even for Gale I told them watching it gave me hives, they knew what I meant. Btw Michelle loved my pink bag, I forgot to tell you that Lisa. So guys if we ever have another picnic in NYC, Scott told me to email him, or tell him or Michelle as their both on "Twitter".
The next morning all the girls left on their journeys home & Lisa & I went to the 2.00pm matinee. We sat next door in the sports bar the football was on of course & we both had drinks & something to eat. Then I looked up & said to Lisa "omg theres Gale" like we see him walking down the street every day

So we watched the play together hand in hand, dead center 2nd row back & it was the best seat I'd had. I watched him & only him for most of the play, it was my last day to see him & I remember all the little changes they'd made & I thought I was going to burst out crying for 3 hours

Then we said good bye to all the cast & crew, honestly they knew us all lol. Denise & Francesca & Claudia were just so lovely & so supportive of Gale & all his fans, they knew we'd made such an effort & had seen the play many times, even Ginger the producer knew who we all were.
Then Gale came out, no pictures that day, he asked us politely & of course we respected his wishes. But he signed the last of my auto-graphs & thanked us all for coming & asked me "this is it, your off home now" & I said yes back to Sydney & he wished us all a safe flight home.
Then as he was leaving I went up to him & gave him a bottle of red wine & a card that I'd bought for him in Sydney & he was so gracious & so thankful, God his Mama taught him well lol, & I just thanked him for the best time ever & wished him every happiness & I told him that you couldn't buy that wine in LA. He peeped into the bag & said "that looks like a very nice bottle, thanks so much". Then he kinda squeezed my forearm & we left & stood outside waiting for a cab.
As Gale left once again he said good bye & I told him "Hey Gale don't drink it all at once" & he turned around & with the cutest little grin, & scrunched up nose & eyebrow thingy he does & he said "Huh OK" like what ya say. Then I asked him "do you actually drink red wine?" & he smiled & said "yep thanks".
Then off he went up the road, & Lisa took a last pic & if you look closely in his left hand he's holding a card & a red bag, that was my bottle of wine

Then Lisa & I went back to the hotel, got changed & to cheer ourselves up went out to the most delicious Italian Rest called Roma. We had the works, soup, salad, pasta & dessert, as I said we needed cheering up.
The next morning was kinda sad, we didn't cry, but as the Shuttle bus left I did have a tear in my eye! I had 12 hours to wait for my flight, so don't faint guys but I caught a bus right down to the ocean & sat there for about an hour just reliving it all, it was quite surreal. Plus in Sydney it was Australia Day & as many of you may know, thats the anniversay of my fathers death. So I was feeling quite sad & sorry for myself, so I got up & went shopping & had a nice meal & killed 8 hours, until I headed off to the airport to fly home.
I did cry as the plane took off, but they were mainly happy tears. I'd achieved what I so wanted to do & I had to stop from pinching myself. I'm just very lucky to have had the opportunity & I can't wait to start selling more jewellery as believe me guys I finally believe that our gorgeous Gale has found his "niche'" in life & if he's going to be doing plays now, I'd better start saving again.
I mean don't get me wrong talking to Gale & having a pic taken with him was amazing, but it was the PLAY that I loved the most, to watch him working again & being so fucking good at it

And on a last note, as I landed in Sydney turned on my cell phone, I was still on the plane at 6.30am Sydney time, my cell rang. I asked the steward if I could answer it & he said yes thats OK. So who do you think it was? no it wasn't Gale lol, it was my kids. Their 1st day back to school & no one could find a freakin thing *smiles*
I had to laugh, I was back & life goes on, but I still have my memories, Gale on that stage will never leave me, I just close my eyes & it all comes back to me,,what a lucky bitch I am.
Later guys can you believe I'm crying again,,I'm sooooooo pathetic as BK would say, & just for the record "Brian Kinney has definitely left the building" I can't wait to see who he'll become next,,love ya Jackie.xx
@темы: Интересная информация, Театр, Гейл Харольд