Большое интервью Брюса Макдональда
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The first part of a three part interview with Canadian filmmaker Bruce McDonald (Hard Core Logo, The Tracey Fragments, "Twitch City"). He discusses adaptations, his relationship with Michael Ondaatje, The Tracey Fragments (its aesthetic/distribution), Picture Claire (and its making-of film), the road movie, Dance Me Outside, Norman Jewison and programming an exhibition of Deep Throat in Toronto.
The second part of a three part interview with Canadian filmmaker Bruce McDonald (Hard Core Logo, Tracey Fragments, "Twitch City"). He discusses Hard Core Logo 2, Trigger, the early written versions of both of those films, This Movie Is Broken (made with Broken Social Scene) and the influence of avant-garde cinema.
The final part of a three part interview with Canadian filmmaker Bruce McDonald (Hard Core Logo, Tracey Fragments, "Twitch City"). He discusses the making of A Love Supreme, things learned when directing for television series (Degrassi/Queer As Folk), genre films, Pontypool and potential sequels to that film.