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Рэнди Харрисон @ Стеклянный зверинец (2007), - Том-младший
Стеклянный зверинец Теннесси Уильямса,
режиссер Джо Доулинг в Театре Гатри 1/19/07
Художник-постановщик Ричард Гувер
свет Джейн Кокс
костюмы Энн Hould-Уорд
Композитор Роберт Вальдман
Фото: Карл Т. Эриксон
Впечатления от спектакля
RANDY & THE GLASS MENAGERIEOn March 24 and 25, dramatikaty and I flew to Minneapolis to see Randy's last two performances in The Glass Menagerie.
We had excellent seats in the center of Row 5 at eye level to the stage. When I called for tickets before Randy was even officially announced, I asked for the best seats possible and was told that the first 4 rows were beneath the stage and Row 5 was best and that was true. The first few rows had to look up at the stage.
The set was the living room with the dining room elevated behind it and separated at times by a curtain. There was also a fire escape and landing. Tom slept in a single bed on one side of the living room.
Harriet Harris was absolutely wonderful as Amanda Wingfield and Randy was a perfect choice to play off her. Their interaction was the highlight of the play for me. She was constantly hounding him about his posture, his eating habits, his smoking, his late nights, etc. and he held his own in their sparring. Though the play is rather dark, there are many light and funny moments between them. He has two major scenes where he gets to chew the scenery and one is hilarious when he tells her where he goes at night. This was Randy at his best. They have a silent scene where she tries to annoy him into talking to her by loudly stirring her coffee and Randy's expressions are delightful. The rest of the cast was very good. Tracey Maloney as Laura has to walk with a stiff leg and she never forgets even when climbing the stairs and sitting down on a low ottoman. It must have been very tiring for her. Bill McCallum as the older Tom was an observer and narrator and at times he and Randy were on the stage both being Tom. It was a nice touch especially when they both hung out on the fire escape landing smoking side by side.
On a side note, Randy smokes several cigarettes in the play. I think he wasn't a smoker when QAF began but now he is possibly thanks to Gale's influence.
Jonas Goslow, the gentleman caller, was a likeable dorky kind of guy who really seemed to like Laura and enjoy her company. Too bad he had a fiancee.
Though this role was a great one for Randy to show his acting chops, I enjoyed his performance in A Midsummer Night's Dream more than this one because of his multiple roles and his comedic talents as Thisbe.
Since we didn't think that Randy was meeting fans at the Stage Door, we didn't hang around on Saturday night. We found out later that he did come out for autographs and pictures so we waited awhile on Sunday after the final performance until we heard that the cast was having a party on the premises.
We weren't too disappointed as we know we will see him at the after parties for Cuckoo's Nest and Mrs. Warren's Profession this summer.
With the exception of The Oak Tree, I have seen all of Randy's stage performances multiple times and he never fails to delight and amaze me.