Увидела в ЖЖ два отчета dreamingkitty с этого мероприятия от 13 февраля 2007 года, не смогла пройти мимо )))
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отчет dreamingkitty часть 1
Berlinale 2007
Actually, I wanted to post my big Berlinale entry #2 tonight, but this has to wait a couple minutes - and will be flocked anyways. Instead, I'm going to give you something else...something much nicer. Well, okay, not really, but it might be more interesting for you.
Where to begin? Well, tonight, when I was meeting up with dicentra82 and hazeleye81, the latter told us something very interesting. Something we probably should have noticed much sooner, but no one even bothered looking there! *lol* I'm talking about hazeleye81 looking through the Berlinale archive of 2007 and stumbling upon this. It's the 'Red Carpet' video from the premiere of "Hallam Foe" on February 16, 2007. Some of you might even remember my entry about it.
Anyways, this video is long, but very close to the beginning, you can see something or rather someone... And since I'm that nice, I cut the video, so that you can enjoy the relevant part of it.
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отчет dreamingkitty часть 2
Текст13 Февраль 2007 @ 23:25
Gale in Berlin
Sometimes, life does have surprises for you...
This is going to be short compared to my NYC experience. But you won't mind, do you?! *lol*
So, as some of you might know, the Berlin Film Festival is in Berlin now and me and lesaphina decided to go there to see the movie Gale is an associate producer of - "Scott Walker - 30 Century Man". It was the international premiere tonight and we simply wanted to see it, because 1) I've known Scott Walker for a while already, since my father has a few of his albums, and 2) it is after all a movie Gale has co-produced in a way - even if it was just the money he gave to them.
Anyways, we bought the tickets on Saturday, got them on Sunday and went to the theatre today around 4:30, since the movie was scheduled to begin at 5 p.m. We immediately went inside, because it was kinda cold outside. *lol* We then were standing inside the theatre and waited for the final doors to open, so that we could get to our seats. lesaphina and I were joking around that Gale could be there, too. So, I jokingly went to stand right in front of her to have a better view of the stairs and not even ten seconds later, I saw him! Gale Harold! About 10m away from us in the crowd. At first I wasn't sure if it really was him, but it definitely looked like him, so I tried to get a better look and waited for him to come closer, but then he turned to his left and went to the restrooms, so I couldn't see him from a shorter distance. I still wasn't sure if it was him and turned back around to lesaphina and looked at the floor. She immediately asked me what was wrong, but I couldn't answer, because I wasn't sure what to tell her and my mind was still reeling. She kept asking me and I finally looked at her and said: "I'm only 80% sure, but I think I just saw Gale." She just looked at me a little shocked, so I've told her what I have seen. A man with a black jacket and a grey hat and a three-day beard. Nothing special actually, but he looked so much like Gale. *lol* We then went on talking about the possibility of it really being Gale.
Then the doors opened and we went inside to find some good seats. We were somewhere in the middle and waited for the movie to begin. Yes, we were still talking about it really being Gale or not. *lol* I didn't take my eyes of the one door to our right, but of course, I couldn't watch the door on the left side. I then looked towards the curtain in front of the screen and saw somebody walking up the stairs with long strides. I kept looking at that person and actually did a double-take, but then nudged lesaphina and told her: "There!" She turned and looked at that person, too. Then I was sure that it was actually Gale. He was wearing a black suit with a white shirt and a black tie. It was the same outfit like he was wearing at the SLS premiere. We were still sitting there and looked like deer in the headlights, while he was looking for a free seat. We totally regretted it that there was no free seat beside us. *lol* Anyways, Gale looked around, while he was standing right to our right and then went a little further upstairs. So, yes, he was looking for a seat to watch the movie. You know, VIP guests like the producer and the director etc. are usually sitting close to the front, but Gale had to look for a seat by himself, so it seemed as if this trip to Berlin was quite spontaneous. *lol*
I won't bore you with details of the movie itself, even though it was really great. After the movie there was a Q&A session with the director, which was funny as hell. *lol* And after that, we went outside and to the left of the doors to wait there because I wanted to switch on my cellphone and write a quick text message. While we were standing there, lesaphina suddenly said to me: "There he is!", but I couldn't see him, because people were standing in my way. She then dragged me a bit to the right, so that I could see him, but it took a bit more of dragging on her part. And there he was, walking directly into our direction. I looked at lesaphina again, because I didn't want him to think that we were watching him. *lol* He then passed us and walked around a group of people to walk back inside of the theatre. About two minutes later, he came out again and walked back to where he came from, where he bought himself something to drink. Right then, I was finished with my text message and we decided to leave the theatre without talking to Gale, because we didn't want to disturb him, since he looked completely relaxed and happy, and he wasn't walking hunched like he did in New York, but he walked completely confident and not even hunched at all. He actually seemed to enjoy himself and his surroundings a lot and we didn't want to disturb that harmony.
You know, it's funny that Gale said that he didn't have any plans to come here, but is still here in the end. *lol* Maybe we made him think twice about his decision?!
And since some of you were wondering: His hair is back to his dark color again. No blond in sight anymore. Еще фотографии с этого мероприятия можно посмотреть в
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