Увидела в ЖЖ два отчета dreamingkitty с этого мероприятия от 13 февраля 2007 года, не смогла пройти мимо )))
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отчет dreamingkitty часть 1
Berlinale 2007
Actually, I wanted to post my big Berlinale entry #2 tonight, but this has to wait a couple minutes - and will be flocked anyways. Instead, I'm going to give you something else...something much nicer. Well, okay, not really, but it might be more interesting for you.

Where to begin? Well, tonight, when I was meeting up with dicentra82 and hazeleye81, the latter told us something very interesting. Something we probably should have noticed much sooner, but no one even bothered looking there! *lol* I'm talking about hazeleye81 looking through the Berlinale archive of 2007 and stumbling upon this. It's the 'Red Carpet' video from the premiere of "Hallam Foe" on February 16, 2007. Some of you might even remember my entry about it.

Anyways, this video is long, but very close to the beginning, you can see something or rather someone... And since I'm that nice, I cut the video, so that you can enjoy the relevant part of it.
Видео kitty82 Photobucket
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Скринкапсы dreamingkitty, скриншот

отчет dreamingkitty часть 2

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