Этот журнал сам по себе явился для меня настоящим открытием и я еще не все там посмотрела. puddles2 пишет обо всех актерах КАФ, с которыми встречалась, к которым ходила на спектакли. Очень много о Рэнди (фоточки после спектаклей присутствуют в отчетах), виделась с Дином Армстронгом, была на мероприятиях Хэла Спаркса. Полистайте, почитайте, не пожалеете!
Жаль, что ЖЖ не ведется с 2011 года(
И замечательный отчет со спектакля)
Orpheus Descending
19 фев, 2010
19 фев, 2010
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I so enjoyed seeing Orpheus Descending last night. The performances from everyone were fantastic. This being my 3rd Tennessee Williams play, I am really liking them. They are always a little dark but then you can't always have light-hearted and funny.The Gale that I met last night was a totally different one to the one I met in 2007 and this one is so much fun. I met him at the end of his Suddenly Last Summer run and by that time, he was meeting and greeting fans but a bit intense about "no pictures". Last night he hung around to meet everyone that wanted to and in between he greeted people he knew that were there with shouts of joy and big bear hugs. I didn't see the familiar "frown" at all. He was still suffering a little bit from the cold he had last week and said he couldn't hear very well out of his right ear. I had brought a book of 4 of Tennessee Williams plays which included the two that Gale had done and we talked about the plays, Gale's performance in them. I told him that I thought the role of Val was so perfect for him, a better one than Dr. Sugar and he agreed that it had a lot more action in it. I told him that I hadn't read it until I saw it but now that I had seen it, I was going to read it and he said "you should". He explained the part that I hadn't quite understood which was the people in masks and the voodoo type guy. He said they were kind of the "storytellers". He clowned around with people, made a silly face for a picture (said it was his Wolfman face) and then insisted they take a serious one too. He didn't mind getting pictures by himself but preferred to have people in it with him saying "let's get couple pictures here". I met Claudia Mason who was very genuine and also Denise Crosby and they both said they'd see me tomorrow and seemed glad that I was going back. He'd hang on to you and wait forever while camera malfunctions happened and he's take another one, no problem. I also got a picture with Lou, the director who is gorgeous too and a really nice guy. His parents had been in the audience the night before and had made friends with my seat neighbour who became my new bff after last night, we are going to go and do the town today. It's too bad it was her last night and my first though, she is flying out back to Australia tonight. She had become quite friendly with everyone on set and clowned and whispered with Gale, he was hugging and kissing her. She had got his signature on programs a couple of times and he told her he was going to sign something else and she's telling him "I don't want anymore - go away". The gorgeousness on stage, we got treated to some shirtless scenes, some wifebeater scenes and during a lot of the scenes, he was standing about 3 feet from me for a long time while action was on a another part of the set and it was hard not to stare at him. So tall and thin and his hair looks so healthy and shiny. The song he sings several times during the play shows he has a talent for playing and his voice is very calming and melodic. It's his own guitar as he packs it up and carries it home with him every night. A couple of his friends asked him about going out for a few drinks when he was done and he was enthusiastic and they all went off to a little bar down the street after. Sorry to ramble on but I was so wired, I couldn't get to sleep last night. And I get to do this 3 more days. I see on the website that all the rest of the performances are sold out.
Orpheus Descending - Day 2
20 фев, 2010
I love seeing a play more than once, because it can be a little different and you get to catch things you may have missed before. I can see why Orpheus Descending has been getting good reviews, it is very well done. The two Gale parts I really like are where Val tells his story about the little bird with no feet and when he was talking about growing up on the bayou.
Last night, Carlo Rota (Gardner Vance) was in the audience and I spoke to him briefly. He says he is enjoying living in Los Angeles now. Gale was a little more subdued last night than the night before, he must have been having an off day (not acting-wise, that was still really good). Maybe he was tired or because he was rubbing at his ear, it was still bothering him from his cold. When he came out the first person asked him for a photo and he said no, they pleaded with him and he relented and then when the next person asked if he was allowing photos he said "I guess I am now". It seemed he would rather have skipped the fan thing last night. I asked him to sign the program for my friend positive_pat and the ulta-fine sharpie I handed him would not write on the shiny program, he shook it down a few times and then said "no it won't work, you need a thicker tip one" when I suggested he try the other side of the program he said "no it's the kind of paper, believe me I know". He's done this a few times I think. NOTE: If you are taking a Sharpie, don't take the ulta-fine, get the fine ones!. Then he only wanted one picture taken at a time, no two cameras on the same shot. Maybe because two flashes would cancel each other out. Anyway I didn't hang around any more. I will be going again tonight.
Gale with actress who plays Dolly.