Это небольшая статья в variety.com с презентации 4го сезона
2004.03.31 Season 4 - New York (Gramercy Park Hotel)
текста конечно мало, но мне фоточки понравились. Пусть будет все вместе)
Hip to be ‘Queer’
APRIL 5, 2004
'Folk' feted with fruity cocktails at Gramercy Hotel
Meredith Amdur
Showtime’s traveling cocktail party to kick off the fourth season of “Queer as Folk” had a lively landing in Gotham at the fittingly hipster Gramercy Park Hotel last Thursday night. The nearly full complement of cast members joined Showtime’s Matt Blank and Robert Greenblatt at the fete.
The setting, all purple velvet banquettes, fruity cocktails and even a roving drag queen (Lady Bunny), set the stage for a festive salute to the paybox’s gay-themed drama.
Scott Lowell, Gale Harold and Randy Harrison at party to celebrate fourth season of 'Queer as Folk' in New York's Gramercy Park Hotel.
Rounding out the queer theme were Gotham’s resident style folk Ted Allen and Kyan Douglas of Bravo’s “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.”