Отчет joaniebalonie с 2004.03.07 Strawberries Cambridge mass, Boston.
Видимо, к нему прилагалось неизвестное видео, которое девушка описывает так: снимали на видеокамеру, как она подходила к Гейлу. Вряд ли оно сохранилось(
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Gale Harold [03 Mar 2004|03:42pm]
It's Wednesday, and on Sunday I should be meeting Mr. Gale Harold. I'm looking forward to it so much that I'm afraid something will certainly go wrong and I won't make it. Danny is driving into Cambridge and if he can't find the place or parking, I may just kill him! Poor thing, he's being so sweet ... he's going to feel like a fool, but I need him to go with me.
It's been a long journey that I took with Gale. Now I may meet him ... this sort of thing has never happened to me before. It's weird, I'm old but I'm not jaded.
More on all this later ...
Meeting Gale Harold
For the details of the meeting check here: pub47.ezboard.com/feveryyouandeveryme80735frm10...
I was very nervous about meeting Gale. I struggled all week to come up with a brilliant question to ask him, I wondered how I would behave ... cool and disinterested? That would have been nice, but it would be fake. I assumed that I would be a big fake. A funny thing happened though, I was myself, but in more control that I thought I would be.
Danny really came through for me by standing outside and filming my turn with Gale on the video recorder. I've watched it many times. If I ever do become a distempered old hag, as I expect will happen, then my children can watch this tape of me and Gale, take one look at my face, and exclaim, "look at mom, she's happy!"
"I've just seen the face of God."
There was one moment when I annoyed Gale. He couldn't understand my request to write, "I love Every You," so he knitted his brows together, shook his head a little, looked up at me and said, "What?" Then he did what he was told, good boy! I had such a great view of his face, but I couldn't look at it for long ... it was so beautiful and so familiar. When I looked away from the face of God, I looked at his perfect hands and saw his "RESIST" tatoo ... it was almost surreal.
I did resist ... I didn't grab his ass or offer him my ass. I not comfortable, but I was not tongue tied either. Best of all, I wasn't a fake. I didn't have to tell him that I loved him, it was written all over my face ... only ten inches away from his. *sighs*
Thanks to all my internet friends for giving me the courage to be my silly ole self ... it was an "out of the box" experience. I could not have done this without your friendship and encouragement. You guys know me better than anyone and you still like me, thanks.