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7. I first came to know you on Showtimes' "Queer As Folk." Looking back, what initially attracted you to the show? What do you miss most about the show? I want to go places where others are afraid to go and make them safe. I have a pioneering spirit. I get very, very bored - to say the least - if I do something that feels easy to me or has been done. It has to feel new to me, revolutionary to me. When I got the sсript for QAF I thought it was incredible and something I wanted to be part of. I had a great deal of confidence when I walked in the room and met the producers. I felt as though there wasn't an actress around ballsy enough to play "Melanie" except for me. I grabbed my co-stars hand and walked into the final network audition and looked at thirty executives and said something like, "We have great chemistry, we're your Mel and Linz." I loved the boldness of that character...loved...loved loved. I loved that she cared more about her partner than she did her hair. I loved that she cursed and drank and road motorcycles. I loved that she wasn't perfect. I loved that QAF went into some risky storylines and painted everyone as complicated. It wasn't about how slick can we be, it was about how human can we be. And isn't that what a good piece of art does? How much humanity can we share so that everyone experiencing it feels a little less alone. I also adored that she loved with her full heart and never took crap from anyone.