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09 Январь 2002
I'm only slightly excited
I shall be leaving shortly to go meet Mr. Emmett.
Sounds like he is just there waiting for me. I wish!
So, Emmett and Brian are going to be in Milpitas doing a signing for the Queer as Folk DVDs. My sister called last night and said she would drive us up there.
I wasn't going to go cause I just didn't want to deal with the drive.
I wish Justin was going to be there.
Don't you love how I call them by their character names?
I'm only very slighly mad and a little excited! Woo!
Okay, I'm really scattered and I need to get ready to go!
10 Января 2002 @ 00:56
I'm back!
*sigh* Oh how I love Peter Paige!
I'm so glad that I went to see them. It was worth the two hour drive.
We were totally later than expected. We got there at 5:30 and Jeff had been there for and hour already. He was in the "if you buy something you get to meet them first line." We went to the "we are poor and didn't buy and Best Buy merchandise and we will wait the the end of the earth to meet them" line.
Gale and Peter came out and I was like "OMG, they are real people!" Let me tell you, they are both SO fucking gorgeous. Peter kept dancing in his seat to the music they were playing and he looked so cute.
Finally I got to meet them and I was just speechless. Gale signed my little thing and then looked up at me and and I just squeaked out "thank you." He smiled and said "your welcome." He has the most beautiful green eyes. My sister sat and had this chat with Peter and got her picture taken with him. I looked like hell so I didn't get in the pic.
Jeff is my new favorite person. He went and bought both me and Darcy a CD of the QAF soundtrack and got them both signed. When he met Peter, he gave him his business card and on the back he wrote "Dinner?" I couldn't believe he did that. He said he had nothing to lose, Peter would probably just throw it away but he just wanted to do it. I still can't believe it.
So I had a good time. Peter Paige is the sweetest person and I LOVE HIM!!! So, Mita, Emmett is a sweetie! Gale was sweet too but I think he is really shy.
The first thing I did when I came how was watch Diary of Incubus. Brandon! Yum!
I'm going to bed now! This incoherent rambling was brought to you by not enough sleep and no caffeine all day.
I need a ton of Emmett icons now!
Liad I have a surprise for you and your sis!
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