суббота, 28 сентября 2013
Брэд писал сценарии для 3 сезона.
Самый известный, написанный им момент - это совместное курение травки Брайаном и Дэбби.
Любимая сцена Гейла в Квирах, по его собственным словам.
Tugging On Superman's Cape
An Interview With Brad Fraser
by Michael D. Klemm
Reprinted from Outcome, April, 2004
ИсточникТо, что связано с Квирами
Outcome: I've been a fan of Queer as Folk as far back as the British version. As the American show went into its third season I feared that it might get stale. And then I saw your name in the credits as sсript editor. What were your contributions to QAF? Are you in part responsible for the darker turn it took last season?
Fraser: You know, a lot of people say that. But there are five writers, and Ron Cowen and Dan Lipman - the producers and head writers, and we're all co-creators. I definitely have an influence, and I definitely have a darker take on things. But generally, I'm the guy who says "no, we have to go farther, we have to go out there and really explore it. We can't just let it be a TV thing where we wipe it away next week." I'm the continuity police in the room. I really am quite psychotic about everything having to add up. The characters cannot make a decision just because it helps the story, when it doesn't really fit with their characters. Every sсript is a group effort. and Dan and Ron have the final say. But for the most part I think they look at me as the guy - Dan said it best one day when he said "I've never seen anyone who has as little fear as you when it comes to telling a story."
Outcome: Did they contact you or did you contact them?
Fraser: They contacted me. What I don't think they realized was that Unidentified Human Remains was really big in England, and particularly in Manchester where [British QAF creator] Russell Davies lived. When I saw the English version of the show, the relationship between Stuart and the younger boy was much like David and Kane [in Remains], and there was the scene on the rooftop, and I thought "Gee, I've had an influence on this show of some kind." And then all of a sudden two years later there I am being offered a chance to write for the new show. But I think that in some ways I helped inspire the English version and so it's gone kinda full circle.
Outcome: Brian and Debbie bonded over a joint in one of the two episodes that you wrote, and I thought it was one of the best scenes of the series. It has you written all over it.
Fraser: Thank you. I actually pitched that one because we knew Brian and Debbie had to make up after the conflict they were having all season and we weren't sure how to break that barrier and I said let's have them smoke up because Brian smokes dope all the time and Debbie is an ex-hippie. We don't always get to write such good character-based scenes, and when I wrote the scene, it just flowed out of me.скриншот
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