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читать дальшеAt last! I am home and am able to post the transcript of Randy's interview on the Derek and Romaine Show earlier this month. I tried to be as accurate as I could. Hope this helps those of you who were wanting to read it in addition to listening to it. My thanks to Kinwad for helping with some of the words I couldn't understand. Thanks, my friend.

Derek and Romaine Show – Interview with Randy Harrison on 6/2/14
Derek Hartley here, along with Romaine Patterson. (Also introduces Katie, the producer, among other staff).
We’re kicking things off with actor Randy Harrison. He is here with us in our studio and you can check him out on the web, his new show at “Atomicthemusical.com,” he’s appearing in the off-Broadway show “Atomic” for an eight-week engagement June 26 – August 16 at the Acorn Theater here in New York. For tickets, go to telecharge.com, or Atomicthemuscal.com, or you can follow him on Twitter – RandyHarrison01 on Twitter.
Ra: Hey, guys.
D: Hi, Randy.
Ro: Hey!
Ra: Thanks for having me.
D: You bet! So…nearly knocked you down on our way out to get yogurt before the show in the elevator banks. (Randy laughs). We were having a frozen yogurt emergency. It’s nice to have you here for the first time…
Ra: Yes, my first time. I’ve never been here.
D: I can’t believe that you’ve never been here for any of the shows.
Ra: Well, I feel like about the time when you guys first started making the show is when the show was ending and I went into hiding for a few years. (laughs) I don’t know…
Ro: Why did you go into hiding?
Ra: I didn’t go into hiding (laughing). I just ended up, you know, doing theater, regional theater, and not being on television, and not being in New York too much for a few years, so I think that’s probably it.
Ro, D: Yeah…
Ro: But now you’re here.
Ra: Now I’m here.
D: And you’re doing theater here in New York.
Ra: Yeah, I’m doing theater here in New York again, yeah.
D: So do you like doing live theater?
Ra: I love live theater. It’s my favorite thing. It’s what I came from, and when I got Queer as Folk, it was sort of a shock to the system. I had no idea I would ever be in front of a camera. So when it ended, I was sort of desperate to get back.
D: What made you think that you would never be in front of a camera?
R: (chuckles) It’s just not something I thought about. I mean, I was…
Ro: Really?
Ra: No! I was like a little musical theater kid growing up, and then I got really into plays, and it’s just all I ever did. I think I kind of right about the time I was graduating, I had a hard time at school and realized I just didn’t quite fit into musical theater that well. So I kind of thought, gosh, maybe if I get on television, maybe I could do that, and maybe it would be something that would open doors for me, and it just kind of hit me in the face, fortunately.
Ro: And did you like the TV world, or are you glad to be back in theater, just to…
Ra: Um, I loved TV; I was glad to get away from it when it ended, but I definitely, I miss it now.
Ro: Yeah…
Ra: I’ve been getting in front of the camera a little more often, and realizing that I miss a set, and I miss a crew, and I miss...it’s like a completely different rhythm of working.
D: And what was it about musical theater where you felt like you didn’t fit in?
Ra: (Laughs) Well, I got really sick of doing it. I went to school, and when I went to college I sort of thought that I could…I grew up doing, you know, three or four plays a year and one musical like in high school; I had a great, like, theater high school program where we did Chekhov in high school and things that you maybe don’t want to see, but things that to a high school student learning and studying theater is really beneficial. So I thought that, you know, going to a musical theater program would mean you’d get all the acting training, and then just additional, you know, singing and dancing on top of it. But I ended up doing nothing but like “jazz hands” for four years. I was kind of about to kill myself when it ended, and I also realized especially then, I mean, the types are very more specific for musical theater. You know it’s like big, straight like, masculine baritones or rock tenors or like small character actors. And I was kind of in between the two, I think. Certainly at the time; this was like 25 years ago.
(Derek and Romaine laugh)
D: It was NOT 25 years ago!
Ro: Hey, you look like you’re 25. Is it? no!
Ra: I know, it’s a curse.
Ro: Is it? No! Derek would give his left testicle to look as young as you.
Ra: No, I mean…Yeah you find that people don’t take you as seriously as you feel like maybe you deserve to be taken, because they still sort of infantilize you. But whatever; I’m sure that as I get older I’m more grateful for looking as young as I do.
D: But what I mean is what you want to do character parts, then yes, that could be counterproductive because people don’t see you as a character actor.
Ra: I think I’d work a lot more if like gained 50 pounds and lost all my hair, truthfully. But, you know, I look young.
D: But is that what you really want to do?
Ra: (laughs) No.
D: But you are back in musical theater, because Atomic is a musical.
Ra: It is a musical.
D: But are there jazz hands?
Ra: There are no jazz hands.
D: It’s about the Manhattan Project, so I can’t imagine…
Ra: No, there aren’t many jazz hands. I mean, there’s some traditional musical theater in numbers, maybe? But no, it’s sort of no, it’s not that.
D: So Randy Harrison, tell us about your character in Atomic.
Ra: I’m playing two characters, actually. Both are real people who existed, and they’re both really different in the show. One is Edward Teller, who was one, he was one of the scientists on the Manhattan Project, sort of one of the youngest. And he ended up being the creator of the hydrogen bomb. And he was a, uh, he was a recent immigrant from Hungary at the time. eASTERN eUROPEAN jEWS, which very much were the men who wound up creating the atomic bomb. And I also play Paul Tibbets, who was the head pilot for the Enola Gay, which was the plane that dropped the bomb on Hiroshima. So those are my two characters.
D: I, you know, not at all heavy material. I mean, either one. (kidding)
Ra: No, I mean the way that Teller is written in the show, he’s sometimes comic relief; it's more like a traditional character part. So he’s really kind of fun to play.
D: But in real life, these are two people who were somewhat haunted by the work that they did around the time.
Ra: Yeah, very much so, yeah.
D: So do you use that, even though you’re doing, uh, a comic part in part of it, do you use some of that darkness, though?
Ra: Oh, absolutely. By the end of the show, both characters sort of reflect in different ways about, you know, what their contributions meant and whether they regret it, and what they have to tell themselves to justify, you know, what they created. Uh, definitely by the end of the show, yeah, that sort of heaviness comes in for both characters.
Ro: And it’s a musical.
Ra: It’s a musical.
Ro: Seems very "downery" for a musical.
Ra: Actually, it’s very up; the musical is very rocky, up-tempo, it’s really fun music. It’s an interesting juxtaposition, the story and the music and the way that it works together. It’s fascinating, actually.
Ro: And are the fans of Queer as Folk, are they surprised when they see you singing?
Ra: I think they’re used to it now. I think they were surprised when it initially started, because I did not sing very well during that show. I don’t think I sang. I think I did Wicked kind of right when the show was over? Maybe I did Wicked right before the last season, but I, I, kind of kept it a secret that I sang for many years while the show was on.
Ro: Why?
Ra: Um, I’m not sure why. God, I had so many issues. I think (laughing), I think I, uh, I, I wanted, I didn’t want, I wanted to start a resume of doing straight theater for lack of a better word before I sang, and I knew uh, it was kind of like a talent that you know you have and you’ll do it when you need to. Musicals are exhausting, they’re kind of a lot harder than doing…
Ro: Well, yeah…!
Ra: Right! (laughing) So I kind of avoided doing it. Did I mention I’m lazy? (still laughing)
Ro: So do you have to do some dancing in Atomic?
Ra: I do some like basic step touching, but nobody would ask me to ‘dance’ dance. Nobody in their right mind would ask that.
Ro: Are you a bad dancer?
Ra: I’m an acceptable mover, but I wouldn’t even say I'm a dancer.
(Romaine and Derek laughing)
D: Wait – going back to your high school musical career, though...Was this an issue for you, that you were a ‘singer who moved’ versus a dancer with voice?
Ra: No, I prefer being a singer who moves. It’s hard…because I’m dating a dancer now, so I could never say that I’m a dancer, ‘cause he’s like a real dancer, so now I certainly step away pretty when I do them; I think it's sort of what it comes down. But I remember during Queer as Folk when I had to do all those spins I felt like four years of dance training in college was what I needed in order to be able to do that final episode.
D: All right, so there’s a minimum of dancing for you in Atomic.
Ra: Right.
D: But you’re fine with that.
Ra: Yeah, I can pick up the moves, but it’s not going to look pretty when I do them. I think that's sort of what it comes down to. (laughs)
D: But you’re still in rehearsal now?
Ra: I’m still in rehearsal, yes.
D: So I assume that this is something you’re sweating in rehearsal?
Ra: No, no, I don’t; I mean I don’t have to look good. (laughs)
D: What do you mean, you don’t have to look good? (laughs)
Ra: Well, neither of these men were dancers.
Ro: One of them is a fucking scientist and one is a fucking pilot, guys. I mean, hello, they’re not exactly known to be dancers!
Ra: No…I can sell them. I’m a very enthusiastic mover, I would say…
(Ro and Derek laugh)
Ra: I would be compelled by watching me dance. But kind of, not necessarily in the right way.
D: So what has your favorite stage experience been? Because you have been doing theater now in New York and around the country, everything, for about ten years. So what’s been your favorite experience so far?
Ra: Um. Oh, God. I think my favorite play that I was ever in was, I did Lucky in Waiting for Godot. Um, God, I guess it was five or six years ago now. And that was the most fun for me I think that I’ve ever done, and the most satisfying thing I’ve ever done. Um, honestly because I loved the material so much; I knew it was a role I had no idea, uh, how to approach or how to do, and, uh, um, it was just one of those really special projects where you love the cast, you love the director, you love the material, and then, I’m so rarely…It was so fun to be a part of…I mean, you’re doing Waiting for Godot in like a regional theater production, and you’re like, people aren’t going to come to this, and it ended up being a hit, like a Beckett was a hit. And all these people would come to it, and it was like always sold out, and that was an amazing feeling to be like, wow, I’m communicating this piece that I love, and people who are averse to the material because of preconceptions are seeing it and, being like, “Oh, my God, I totally get it now!” And I love it. So I’m, um, I’m really proud of that show.
D: So your favorite show so far has been the one that seems to be the most challenging for you?
Ra: Yes.
D: So is that important to you in material?
Ra: Yeah. Yeah, I mean, what one thing I hate is when you get something and you're like, this is exactly what I’ve done before. Or I’ve done the same thing before or this is, you know, an easy, like no-brain casting decision to be like, oh, that’s kind of like what he did ten years ago, so you can do it again, so I kind of avoid that. And even when, even, when you know sometimes that you’re, you’re playing a part and you know that you can make it work, sort of doing something similar or playing a similar character, or having a similar, I don’t know, uh, making similar choices, and I avoid it, because it feels lazy. (he pauses) I just said I was lazy…
(Everyone laughs)
D: You want to be lazy at home, you don’t want to be lazy in a show…
Ra: Like, I run out of energy quickly, but I like…(laughing) use my head and, yeah, where I like things where I have no idea this is something that I cannot understand how I can make it work, and figuring it out. I mean, granted you can fail brutally, but even that is more satisfying than something like, “Oh, I know how to do that, and it will work.”
RO: Right
Ra: Even if it’s good, even if people like it, you don’t feel like it’s good.
Ro: So how do you figure it out? If you have a role you don’t know how to play, how do you figure it out? What’s your process of figuring that out?
Ra: Uh…The sсript, the director, and the, the other actors. It’s such, uh, that’s why I love, I love theater because I feel like in some ways, at least from the acting point of view television is a little, at least in my one experience, was a little bit less collaborative because you do so much of the work on the sсript by yourself at home, and not…you show up on set and you’ve made your decisions, because you really don’t have time to figure it out collectively with the other actors, where with theater, you can be like, I have no idea and you can ask for help, and you can ask, and you learn from the other actors. I mean, all the other actors in Godot were much more experienced than me, and I admired all of them, so, God, you, you just learn. And they teach you how to do it if you have enough time.
Ro: So would you say you’re a better actor now than you were when you were on, say, Queer as Folk?
Ra: Oh, my God, I hope so!
(everyone laughs)
D: Now is this you, expressing a hope that as an actor you’re always growing, or is this you making a statement about what you thought your performances were like?
Ra: No, uh, no, it’s me making a statement that as an actor I hope I’m always growing. I mean, I hope, how ever many years, 14 years later, that, I mean, considering the material I’ve done, I hope that it would have taught me something. I mean, but I’m proud of what I did on the show. I was young, I mean some of it, most of it. Um, I was young and tried my best. I tried to figure it out. But I should hope I’m a better actor now.
Ro: Now you know that they’re going to be replaying Queer as Folk…
Ra: I know!
Ro: …for a whole new generation of young people.
Ra: What are they going to think of it?
Ro: What are they going to think of it?
Ra: I don’t know!
Ro: I mean, are you excited for that level, you know, level of fandom again?
Ra: I am! You think that’s going to happen?
Ro: I do!
Ra: Really?
Ro: I do think it will happen.
Ra: I’m wondering if it will be like, a, because things have changed for LGBT people so much, ever since that show started. I wonder if it will be like, like watching “Three’s Company” was for me, where it’s like this time capsule like, ‘That was so different! I can’t believe they had to worry about that…”
Ro: I think it will be.
D: Yeah, we never had to worry about Jack Tripper getting thrown out of his apartment.
Ra: Yeah, I don’t know! I AM excited. I’m excited; I feel like the people are honestly now that I’m meeting, like I still have connections to people who are fans of the show, of course…from the original outputting of it. And I find that it’s the younger people, like people who come to it younger, respond actually better, like people who watched it in their early teens, and have a much more, uh, it meant a lot it meant much more to them, watching at that age, than it did for like, 20-, 30-somethings watching it at the time. So, I don’t know, I’m really interested to see, actually.
Ro: I think it will be, I mean, I’m kind of excited for it. I look forward to hearing kind of the social commentary on, you know, watching Queer as Folk and The L Word again, from kind of the beginning.
Ra: Right
Ro: Because I think LGBT people are very different than they were 15 years ago; I mean, they blow my mind most of the time.
Ra: Yep
Ro: And I also think that it’s going to have a much larger straight audience. I think straight people have become very accustomed to seeing gay folks on TV, and they’re like, oh, whatever, no big deal, where once upon a time they wouldn’t have watched it, because ‘why do I need to watch that gay show?’
Ra: Right
Ro: So I think you’re going to have, I think they’ll be more straight people watching it, too.
Ra: Yeah, um, I’m interested in seeing…I find that, and I don’t know if it’s just because the nature of like what kind of people might come up to you on the street, but it’s actually much more straight people who approach me. Like if they see me on the street, it’s like, “I love your show!” than gay people. Gay people recognize me, but they, they don’t say that, “I like the show!”
(everyone laughs)
Ro: That’s interesting.
D: Uh, okay…no, but seriously, they, what, they see you, but they don’t say anything? Or…
Ra: I mean, I don’t know, I was a part of the show, so I couldn’t gauge what, like, the social reaction to the show was at the time in any sort of authentic way, because of course I have a specific perception of it, so I don’t really know why, or what the response was, and what people said about it behind closed doors, and what they really felt about it.
D: In some ways, are you grateful that the show was on when social media was not around?
Ra: Oh, my God, yeah!
(They all laugh)
D: Cause I mean now, you know, you’re on Twitter – RandyHarrison01 on Twitter…
Ra: I am…
D: And as people are watching Queer as Folk on Showtime this summer, they will be able to tweet at you…
Ra: They WILL tweet me...I hope it's not violent. Think I'll have to get out of Dodge? (laughs)
D: So are you afraid of what people are going to say?
Ra: No. No, I’m excited. I’m interested; I mean, nothing could really bother me now, but at the time, I was twenty-two when the show started, twenty-two...
Ro: Right
Ra: Twenty-one; It could have been pretty. I would have avoided it at all costs if social media had existed like it does now.
D: But even still, you were very young when the show started, and you became a national phenomenon, certainly in the gay community. And so what was that like, being so young, first TV job, sort of boom! Thrust out into the…
Ro: Putting it all out there. All of it.
Ra: Literally. (laughs)
Ra: Um, it was odd! I was grateful, I mean, I was so grateful for the work, I was grateful for the opportunity, and I was grateful to be a part of something I thought had social significance. But I mean, I’m a shy person. I’m not…it was hard! It was hard being, like, a public figure at all and being recognized. It’s fine now, but then I remember like I would always be wearing hooded, I was wearing hooded sweatshirts. I didn’t want anybody to see me, it was very, I had a complicated reaction to it. I wish I didn't. I wish I could be one of those people who could embrace it more easily, but that wasn't me at that time. It was hard. …
Ro: Do you think that’s you now?
Ra: I think now I have enough of a distance about it that I'm able to...There's a public person and there's a private person and like, I can...But I'm still a little bit weird about it, and my friends are like, "Why are you acting weird?" and I'm "They're making me umcortable." And they're like, "Just act cool."
Ro: Like, you’re an actor! All you have to do is act cool.
Ra: I know. Right? (laughs) I need a sсript. I need a rehearsal...
Ro: Why don’t you just practice acting cool around your apartment?
Ra: I've tried my entire life practicing acting cool and it's never taken that well. Not gonna happen.
Ro: So you’re saying you’re not one of the cool guys.
Ra: I'm not one of the cool guys.
D: What kind of guy are you?
Ra: I'm neurotic and uh...I'm neurotic. I'm funny? I have good qualities, but cool is not necessarily one of them. I'm cool when I maybe...I'm sometimes cool when I don't try to be, but if I even start thinking about it, it's downhill.
D: Okay, so here’s what we’ve learned about Randy Harrison today. He’s lazy. He’s not a great dancer, and he is neurotic. These are our take-aways.
Ra: I'm realy selling myself, aren't I?
D: He’s an ‘accomplished mover.’ We know that he’s enthusiastic.
Ra: An enthusiastic, accomplished mover.
D: Yeah, yeah.
Ra: You have to spin a better way.
D: Uh, okay so enthusiastic while the energy lasts. okay.
D: So these are the things we’ve learned. So what positive traits of Randy Harrison do you want to leave our audience with?
Ra: I'm passionate.
Ro: Okay.
Ra: I can be articulate if I'm moderately prepared and care what I'm talking about. Um...
Ro: Likes to be challenged.
Ra: I like to be challenged. I love what I do. Um, I love the people I work with. I love my friends. I'm a good person. Just because...(laughs)
D: I’m not saying that you’re not a good person. Being lazy doesn’t make you a bad person.
Ra: I go through phases. I mean, isn't everybody lazy if they can be?
Ro: Yes, yes.
Ra: I mean, I rise to the challenge when I'm forced to, but I'm gonna complain about it a little bit.
D: Well, I mean, not everyone is lazy. I was at a friend’s house over the weekend, and his parents had come to visit. And while, they had gone away for a few days and left the parents alone. And while they were there, they had gathered all of the frozen, uh, fallen branches in the yard like into piles, into neat piles
Ra: The parents did?
D: Yes, in the woods surrounding their house cause they live on like a few acres. And they were just bored so they just gathered the wood into piles of same-sized sticks so it looks like they’re having a weird witches cult retreat or something.
Ro: Freaky
D: No. no. His mom was just, ‘I had a few hours so I just went out and organized.’ So some people are not lazy people. Some people are just weirdly OCD.
Ra: It's the OCD thing, though. It's...
D: Crazy, organized people.
Ra: Right, that’s true.
D: But we’re not those people.
Ra: Right. No.
D: That doesn’t make us bad people. And nobody’s going to look at our product in the end and go, “that’s real weird.”
Ra: Right. Absolutely.
D: That's a positive sign.
Ra: Yeah, I mean, yeah. I work hard on the things, you know, that I care about. I wouldn’t want to put something half-ass out into the world, that's for sure.
D: So I know you’re passionate about “Atomic the Musical,” which will be at the Acorn Theater coming up on June 26.
Ra: Yep.
D: But, uh, what else are you passionate about in your life?
Ra: What else am I passionate about? I’m passionate about cheese.
(Romaine and Derek laugh)
Ra: I’m passionate about cats. Um…
Ro: Katie? (Calls the producer)
Ra: Is she a cat lover?
D: Katie is a crazy cat lady over here.
Ra: I am a crazy cat man. I have, my cats I got when I was 19 when I was a sophomore in school, and they were the one through line when I was doing the show, and I, you know, was moving back and forth from New York to Toronto to Cincinnati, and they’re still alive, and they’re like, slowly dying; they’re so ancient.
Ro: Aww…
Ra: But they’re like my life blood. They’ve got me through huge hurtles in my life. So...Now I’m really selling myself even better now that I'm talking about my cats! (laughs)
D: You're amazing; you sound like a lesbian.
Ra: That’s like the highest compliment that anybody can give me!
Ro: Well, then you’re welcome. (laughs) I can’t believe you haven’t been here before.
Ra: I can't, either.
Ro: You have so many A+ stories to tell.
Ra: Really? Do I?
Ro: Yes, you do.
Ra: Well, that’s another positive trait, that I’m a good guest for your show.
Ro: You really are!
Ra: I'll come anytime you want me.
Ra: Next time I’ll prepare a list of more positive things.
D: : No, these are all good! I don’t know why you worry about these things.
Ra: I don’t really worry.
Ro: How many cats do you have?
Ra: I only have two cats.
Ro: Okay.
Ra: I only have two. I’ve been tempted but I’ve kept it in check. No more than two.
D: Did you have like an always two, is that always going to be your limit?
Ra: No. If I had a house, if I didn’t have a New York apartment, I would have more cats.
Ro: Oh, my God, you’re the crazy old cat lady! I love it!
Ra: Oh, yeah, when I get old, it’s like Edie Beale like all the way.
(Derek laughs)
Ro: I LOVE that!
D: Okay, so that's your dream, you and hundreds of cats...
Ra: It's kind of a nightmare, too! (laughs)
Ra: It’s kind of my nightmare, too.
Ro: Do you like short-haired cats, long-haired cats, grumpy cats?
Ra: My fantasy is to get a, um, a Scottish Fold Munchkin cat. You know the ones I’m talking about?
D: I don’t.
Ro: Katie does, Katie.…!
D: Oh, no, she doesn’t know, either. Stumped our panel.
Ra: Scottish ones are the ones that have like little folded in ears, so they have little, round heads. And munchkins, they have, like short limbs. So they’re insanely cute. There’s a really famous video of, like, either a Korean or Japanese, one standing on its hind legs. They can like stand on their hind legs, because they’re really short. They’re insanely cute.
Ro: That sounds pretty fucking cute.
Ra: It’s really cute.
D: Katie is now shopping for some right now online.
Ro: You were showing me Maine Coon cats today.
Ra: See, they’re cute, right?
Ro, D: Oh, my God, they are pretty cute.
D: Very, very cute; with their tiny little feet, they’re like the Corgis of cats.
Ra: They are! I don’t know if I would ever get one, because I’d probably always rescue cats, and I don’t want to pay a lot of money for them. But…
D: For cats with legs so short that you would have to carry them upstairs?
Ra: Yeah, they’re probably like so inbred they have a lot of health problems.
D: Well, it’s probably why they’re…they don’t have legs! They just have feet.
(everyone laughs)
I mean it sound like you have a fat cat, and its legs don’t look…you can’t see the legs anymore, because it’s so fat. These cats are like, just milky, so they’re just dragging on the ground!
Ra: They’re really adorable.
D: But they can’t walk upstairs; you’d have to put a ramp in! A cat ramp! My guest is Randy Harrison, living out his Edie Beale dreams, and I guess a cat ramp is not out of the question.
Ra: Not out of the question at all.
D: These are all delightful. Now later on in the show, we are going to go over our indulgences, uh, food indulgences, so you’d mentioned cheese. Do you consider cheese your food indulgence, or is there something else that haunts you in the middle of the night?
Ra: Um, no, cheese is it. Cheese is my favorite. Cheese and cupcakes; I mean, cupcakes are kind of a cliché right now, but I do love them. And uh, yeah, cheese, cheeseburgers, cupcakes.
Ro: Have you tried the (?) cheese yet? Black. Try it, it's really yummy.
Ra: No
Ro: But there's always a waiting list to get it.
D: He’s not going to wait in line for cheese. He needs cheese now. Media cheese.
Ra: Cheese products. I worked on a farm in France, actually, in order to learn how to make cheese, cause it’s like all I wanted to do. And now I have all the supplies to make cheese, but…
D: …You never do because you’re lazy.
Ro: Why don’t you?
Ra: It’s a lot of work! I mean, you need animal rennet, which is like the bile from animal stomachs that you…
Ro: Ooh, that sounds sexy!
Ra: Right, isn’t it? That’s how they discovered cheese because they would put, um, they would put milk in like the hollowed-out stomachs of animals, right, like in the desert to carry them. And when you open it, it would become cheese. But yeah, it’s a long process; ricotta is not hard, but anything more involved in that…
Ro: Sounds so complicated. You’re right; I’m too lazy for that shit.
D: Randy Harrison is with us; he’ll be appearing off-Broadway here in New York in the musical “Atomic.” It is opening on June 26 at the Acorn Theater, right here close by on 42nd Street. For tickets and information, go to Telechargecom, or Atomicthemusical.com. And follow him on Twitter; he’s “RandyHarrison01” on Twitter.
D: Mark in New Jersey, you’re on Derek and Romaine with Randy Harrison.
M: Hey, guys, how you doing?
Ro: Wonderful.
M: Good, Hi, Randy. Listen, I was a huge Queer as Folk fan, and so were all my friends; I was a New York City queen, and Monday morning, it was like water cooler talk. It was gather around the water cooler and we were just amazed by…it was great writing. My question is, how did you guys handle the sex scenes? Because some of them were really intense and, I, were you all close enough and friendly with either your co-workers, your co-actors where it was, cause, you’re shy in real life…So how did you handle it?
Ra: Yeah
Ro: And you had your friend’s dick in your ass, so…
M: Exactly
Ro: Well, almost practically…
Ra: It looks like it, but it’s not like that at all. I mean, first of all we’re wearing things that you can’t see, so, you know, you’re never touching privates of other people, and it’s very, actually, watching a sex scene shot, at least for a television show, if you were watching it, it would probably be one of the least sexual things you’ve ever seen in your life. It’s very technical. Um, and awkward and weird and choreographed, so it looks like what it looks like, and I guess I understand why people react to thinking that it’s this insanely intimate, difficult thing, but, um, yeah, it actually isn’t.
(Everyone laughs)
M: If it were filmed today, do you think it would be more, I don’t want to say more pornographic, but more revealing, because I guess people’s expectations are more. I mean, people want more.
Ra: I don’t know. Honestly? I feel like one of the reasons it was so graphic then is because it needed to be out there then. Whereas, now I don’t feel like there’s as much of a need for it, so I don’t think it would be as graphic now. I felt really like having the sex scenes be as graphic as they were, especially at least when the show began, was an important thing that needed to get on television, just socially, whereas, um, I don’t feel like it’s as necessary now, so I would hope that it actually would be less graphic now.
M: I’m just kind of curious –one more thing, I don’t mean to take, monopolize all your time – but I am kind of curious now that we have gotten rid of DOMA, we all can get married, things are going great. Why don’t we see more things like Queer as Folk on either cable or regular show, regular network television? Will and Grace are gone, Queer as Folk is gone; these were great shows!
Ra: Well, there’s a lot more gay characters in mainstream shows now than they were then. I would say that, but I’m not sure. I mean, I’d have to imagine that, you know, the corporations need to know that they’re going to make a lot of money before they make anything, and…I’m not sure, I can’t tell you. I know there’s a lot more gay characters in shows that aren’t exclusively like gay shows in the way that Queer as Folk and The L Word were. So I think there’s, we’re being represented, much more than we were then.
M: Well, there are. But they’re not principals in any of these shows, and that’s a shame.
RA: Modern Family?
M: Yeah...But...
Ra: And Orange is the New Black? Those are principal characters.
M: Yeah, okay. Well, great, thank you so much for taking my call, and answering my questions.
Ra: No problem, thanks for calling.
D: You bet thank you, Mark. Bye, bye.
Ra: Thank you, Mark.
D: I do wonder also if we don’t end up becoming victims of our own success?
Ra: How do you mean?
D: Well, with, you know, with rapid changes in equality and the normalcy forming in midstream America of LGBT people and issues, is there really a drama for TV drama? Like, so much of the, I know people have bitched about some of the characters that have been on TV and movies for a long time, but especially for, let’s say for transgender characters, so much of the story arc was the surprise of discovering that a character was transgender, or a person – surprise! – was in a relationship with a transgender person, right? That was the pilot of LA Law and it’s been in a million things, right? But if somebody dating somebody who’s transgender isn’t a surprise, there is no inherent drama for that to be on Cold Case or whatever it is. So…
Ra: Something like a sensationalized kind of thing.
D: Right. By removing LGBT people as sensational, um, and being very mainstream and normal, then it’s much harder to sort of weave those, weave those plots.
Ra: That’s true.
D: That may be part of it, like they’ve made that our own success in that way.
Ra: Regardless, I mean, yes, but I mean I wouldn’t be disappointed in the sensational aspect of our stories dissipating a bit, but I certainly still think that there’re so many gay queer, trans, lesbian stories that have NOT even come close to, have been told in any mainstream, certainly in television or film yet. So I think that we still have a ton of stories that need to get out there. But the sensational aspect; I don’t know, it’s seems like, uh, dishonest and, like a little bit like…
Ro: I agree with that.
Ra: You know what I’m saying?
Ro: Yeah. I totally do. I totally do. I’d rather see real stories than, you know, stereotype and all that crap.
Ra: Uh, huh.
D: I mean, they are real stories, but even in the Modern Family finale they had that whole thing about, uh, Jesse Howard Ferguson’s dad on the show not, you know, being super comfortable about being, you know, being father of one of the gay grooms at a gay marriage. And so, you know, if you remove that element of it, you can still have a very good episode about um, a couple getting married, but it does remove a bit of, uh, a bit of the story. And that wasn’t even a sensational thing. And you could have removed it and still had great episodes of that show. But it does add another layer, another dimension to a story that, if people are totally comfortable with LGBT people, it goes away.
Ra: Yeah, I mean our stories are changing. Our stories are going to be different. I mean, just knowing the stories that I had growing up that had gay characters, I mean there were all stories about the AIDs epidemic. You know I had, like, the Normal Heart and I had Angels in America and I had The Band Played On, and I had Tales of the City. And that was the story. And I think our stories are going to continue to evolve, which is exciting to me.
Ro: I agree with that.
D: Well, Randy, it’s been delightful having you drop by to see us. I can’t believe you’ve never been here before. It’s terrible, it’s a travesty on our part.
Ra: Well, you know, we popped the cherry, so…
(Ro and Derek laugh)
D: Well, you’ll have to come back again.
Ra: Thank you for having me.
D: Absolutely. Anytime. Our thanks to actor Randy Harrison for joining us. Be sure to check him out this summer on stage here in New York at the Acorn Theater, June 26 through August the 16th, an eight-week engagement. For tickets, go to telecharge.com, or atomicthemusical.com. And you can follow him on Twitter: Randyharrison01. I follow him because he doesn’t tweet too much.
Ra: (laughs) I don’t tweet too much… (laughs again)
D: My favorite thing. I love to follow someone who doesn’t tweet too much. I love Rosanne – she’s a national treasure – but she tweets way too much. But I can’t remove her, because she’s a treasure. But please follow Randy, because he really does not tweet too often so it will not be a burden for you. So follow him on Twitter. And then, this summer on Showtime, catch Queer as Folk – will be airing again.
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