Randy Harrison in the Holy Land - 2011
A trip down memory lane... Remember Randy Harrison, AKA Justin from "Queer as Folk"? Of course you do! On May 2011, our fabtastic co-founder, Nadav Peretz gave him the grand Israeli tour! Harrison visited the magical Bahai gardens at Haifa, met with Nitzan Horowitz (a gay politician running for mayor of TLV), explored Jerusalem and the Western Wall, relaxed at Masada & The Dead Sea and enjoyed a camel ride in the desert.

Randy Harrison in the Holy Land - 2011
A trip down memory lane... Remember Randy Harrison, AKA Justin from "Queer as Folk"? Of course you do! On May 2011, our fabtastic co-founder, Nadav Peretz gave him the grand Israeli tour! Harrison visited the magical Bahai gardens at Haifa, met with Nitzan Horowitz (a gay politician running for mayor of TLV), explored Jerusalem and the Western Wall, relaxed at Masada & The Dead Sea and enjoyed a camel ride in the desert.

спасибо Татьяна!
*чувствую себя фетишистом - залипла на пальчиках, торчащих из моря, тех самых пальчиках, которые видела когда-то сама-знаешь-где*
да у меня перед глазами кадры, когда они поджимаются, а потом...