Пишет американец, который живет на этой улице.
ИсточникThe 900 Block of Liberty...with liberty and justice for all.
The 900 Block of Liberty in downtown Pittsburgh is the setting of the Showtime series Queer as Folk (although the show was actually filmed in Toronto). It is the block in Pittsburgh's Cultural District where Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania resides. For that reason, it is the site of weekly picketing by religious groups who act as if it is OK to harass all people going into it regardless of their reason for going in. Planned Parenthood provides a broad range of health services to a wide range of people. It is not the abortion mill the religious picketers like to make it seem.
The 900 block of Liberty used to be a seedy and scary part of town known for its porn industry, prostitution and illicit drug dealing. That was back in the day before gay men realized they didn't have to live their lives in self-loathing and abuse. Now it is the block of Pride on the outer edge of the Cultural District which is home to several non-profit enterprises such as Planned Parenthood, Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership, Toonseum, the Brett James Salon, Bricolage Production Company and the August Wilson Center for African American Culture. It is also home to the 941 Saloon, Little E's Jazz Club, Mahoney's, Hobo Thrift Store (now closed), Hanlon's Restaurant, Images Pittsburgh, and the Tonic Bar & Grille. Several residential lofts --Lofts at Liberty and Keystone Lofts-- also line the 900 block of Liberty.
As a resident of the 900 block of Liberty, I am proud to see the block return to its historical roots and re-establish itself as the 900 block of Liberty and justice for all. I do not wish to cede the character and purpose of this block to hateful activities of any kind. I do not welcome anyone in my neighborhood who does not have the good grace and manners to behave like a civilized human being. Spreading misinformation, violence or hate will not be tolerated on my block.
I believe in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and wholeheartedly support the right of all to exercise their rights to free speech and assembly but I do not condone hate of any kind and will not tolerate it from anyone. Not on my watch, not as I live and breath, NOT IN MY TOWN. In my town, there is no hate.
In my town, all people are welcome. In my town religious people may oppose abortion by picketing outside of Planned Parenthood all they wish but they may not harass all who enter on the assumption that everyone who goes there is going to have an abortion. In my town, you may object to homosexuality or fail to understand transgendered people but you may not harrass or bring violence down upon anyone you suspect may be gay or transgendered. All are welcome in my town --gay, straight, Black, Brown, Red, Yellow, White. All are welcome. And all are expected to exercise good manners and civility here, too.
I do not tolerate intolerance.
I do not tolerate violence.
I do not tolerate my town being anything less than welcoming.
I do not expect you to change your mind; I simply expect you to change your behavior.
If you have bad intentions, expect to be meet with a hostile reception in the 900 block of Liberty.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to send me email.
Интересная информация,
как тут не вспомнить разговор Майкла и Бена со своими будущими соседями Монти и Элом, когда те советовали им покупать дом в своём районе
это конечно немного шутка, но на самом деле очень приятно, что есть места где люди придерживаются такого мнения. Потому что иногда мне становится страшно